Pro Oriente


März 2024

Februar 2024

Blog 2024 Petrache
22. Februar 2024
Healing of Wounded Memories

A Theology of Scars of the Body of Christ

“What we must do is not heal ourselves, not treat, console, reassure, or educate others, but to remain erect in the sacred wound, to see and show it in silence”. – This line appears in the book The Most Secret Memory of Men, by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, a Senegalese young author who won the Goncourt Price in France in 2021. The context of the paragraph is a tragic story of an infant who is witnessing the killing of his parents, the parents are tortured, and the child hears their cries. After this episode, the aggressor realizes that the child has witnessed this massacre, and he decides not to kill the child. However, not out of mercy. The decision to spare his life arises from the belief that living with the memory of such horrors is more torturous than death itself.

Blog 2024 Murzaku
13. Februar 2024
Healing of Wounded Memories

Forgiveness Redefined: Exploring an Innovative Theological Paradigm Through the Lens of Mother Teresa and Albania’s Ongoing Transitional Justice

Albania, known for its religious diversity and history of severe Communist persecution, stands as a significant case study in transitional justice, ecumenical and interfaith reconciliation, and the concept of Holistic Reconciliation. This paper explores Albania’s religious composition, where Sunni Muslims constitute nearly 57 percent of the population, Roman Catholics 10 percent, members of the Albanian Orthodox Church 7 percent, and members of the Bektashi Order (an Islamic Sufi order) 2 percent. All religious groups in Albania, including the Catholic Church, faced severe persecution during the Communist era. These persecution united religious and lay individuals, highlighting the need for transitional justice. Albania’s situation underscores the importance of Holistic Reconciliation, with religious leaders playing a key role in this process.

Blog Perica 2024
02. Februar 2024
Healing of Wounded Memories

The Transformative Dynamics of Migration: An Ecumenical Exploration in the Balkans

This paper delves into the multifaceted impact of the migration phenomenon that unfolds in the Balkans since 2015. By examining its evolution, socio-political consequences, and the unexpected role of migrants and refugees in fostering ecumenism, it unfolds the intricate tapestry of contemporary migration in the region. Through a three-fold analysis, the paper investigates how migrants become unexpected allies of ecumenism, enhance the relevance of churches, and contribute to a heightened capacity for empathetic listening among diverse religious communities.

Januar 2024

November 2023